MyCompHQ can help Organisers with many different aspects of your competition.
We understand that every competition is different, and you don't want to be paying for a "One Size fits all" solution.
At MyCompHQ, our clients only pay for the functions they wish to use.
How Much MyCompHQ will cost will depend on:
How many functions you require
How much support you require
As a general rule of thumb, we charge a $250 + GST set up fee then a pro rata fee per registration or "Act" depending on which functions you require. The more functions you use, the more the value you will receive for your pro rata fee.
We also offer special rates for not-for-profit competitions.
Benefits of the MyCompHQ System
Save Money
Less Paperwork + Less Staff
= More Savings!
You also won't need to buy wristbands,
ID Cards or Tickets anymore!
Our Software is much more affordable than our competitors and doesn't require you to hire or purchase expensive hardware.
Enhanced Compliance
MyCompHQ ensures that you comply with Child Protection Requirements.
When setting up team members, the software requires you to input their Working With Children's Check / Blue Card Details and evidence that you have verified their status.
Performers are also required to input Emergency Numbers & Contacts which are accessible to the entire team.
Secure Your Data
MyCompHQ is an Austrailan company and must comply with Australia's Data Sovereignty laws. This means that we must keep your data secure, and we cannot on-sell or use the data collected.
Other non-Australian based software solutions can and will sell the details of your customers to your competitors!
Covid Proof Your Event
Our QR Code entry system Covid Proofs your event by:
Getting rid of high touch surfaces like wristbands, tickets & USB sticks / CDs for music.
Monitoring how many people are "In Venue" so you can control capacity
Affected by Covid-19 travel restrictions? MyCompHQ enables you to run your event remotely whilst still having full control!
Reduce Stress
MyCompHQ reduces stress for everyone on your team as well as on Competitors & Spectators because:​
Updated information is shared and easy to access on the app
Everyone knows exactly where your event is at, and can manage themselves e.g. when to be in the venue, required back stage, when awards are being presented etc.
Better For The Planet
No Wristbands, No Tickets, Less Paperwork & Digital Event Programs means saving the planet with less trees, plastic, ink and energy being required to produce consumables for your event.
Save Time
MyCompHQ virtually automates:
Payment Collection
Communicating with Competitors, Spectators & Team Members.
Save Labour
MyCompHQ makes everything Digital - less paperwork, less cross-checking, less chasing.
You can reduce staff required to run your event as well by merging roles.